Recent content by Rattigan

  1. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    Hi everyone. I'm sure this question has been asked a million times before but how would an attempted and unsuccessful Operation Sea Lion (along the lines of the 1974 war game) affect Germany's strategy going forward? Would events like Barbarossa and the Mediterranean and North African fronts...
  2. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    It probably won't matter all that much in the grand scheme of this TL, but an American banking sector without Morgan Stanley and J.P.Morgan is so strange to think about.
  3. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I think the first oil strikes in the Persian Gulf OTL were pre-WW1. And people had known there was something down there for a while before that
  4. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Had forgotten about this completely
  5. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    That's no way to talk about Yorkshire... By this point OTL there were already oil explorations in the Middle East, meaning Germany will almost certainly develop an interest in the region very quickly if they haven't already. On the question of Suez vs the South and relative British power OTL...
  6. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    OTL US GDP overtook the entire British Empire in 1916. TTL, without Suez, I'd say it's very possible that the same thing would've happened
  7. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    “Root-sevelting” surely?
  8. Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Damn... a Siege of Dien Bien Phu but where the French plan worked...
  9. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    I’ve been with this TL since the beginning and it’s been a great ride
  10. Hail, Britannia

    Question that I’m sure can be answered relatively easily: how to the borders between Nejd and Hashemite Arabia line up with known oil fields?
  11. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    Well yes, you do somewhat pick your poison when it comes to pre-WW1 semi-liberal proto-democracies...
  12. Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    Sorry if this was answered in the discussion between this being posted and me answering but it's also worth remembering that only around 40% of the British population could vote in general elections in 1914 (i.e. about 4 in 5 of the male population) and Britain had a more restrictive franchise...
  13. The Not-So American Century

    Hey, if you concentrate all the wealth and power in a tiny ethnic elite and keep everyone else pretty much at a subsistence level then there's no telling what heights you can hit. More seriously, the figures in the mid-80s are based on some extreme estimates I read for the coefficient of some...
  14. Into the Cincoverse - The Cinco de Mayo EU Thread and Wikibox Repository

    I think the idea of a united India dominating all international cricket is a bit of red herring: after all, OTL India is still demographically massive but has historically punched well below its weight for a whole bunch of reasons (although that looks like it's changing). One the other hand, if...
  15. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    The Not-So American Century Index ------- Bit nerdy collection of country rankings - top and bottom. BY GINI COEFFICIENT BY SIZE BY POPULATION BY HDI BY TOTAL GDP BY GDP PER CAPITA