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  1. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    thank you think OTL Albert was less "voice of reason" and more trying to control her. TTL he's ironically both outside the system (European rather than an English perspective) and inside (sitting in the Lords and seeing what's going on first hand). OTL he seemed to- as Florence Nightingale said...
  2. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    For anyone interested:
  3. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?
    Threadmarks: One Swallow Does Not Make A Summer [1]

    @DrakeRlugia @The_Most_Happy (hope you approve) @Parma @pompejus @Janprimus Soundtrack: Joseph Ascher - Les Cloches du Village: Fantaisie sur des Thémes Favoris de Massé, op. 90 [2] *exterior* *Binnenhof, The Hague* *a rider gallops into the square* *cut to the Paleis aan Het Plein* *Willem...
  4. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    a dilemma and a half for Louis Seize then
  5. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    The fate of the ministry was bound up less with that of Madame du Barry than with that of the parlement of Maupeou. Louis was inclined to keep both the ministers (or most of them) and the parlement (or most of it). But there was no need for an immediate decision. What he felt he needed was what...
  6. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    another question is whether the Ottoman sultan would be the only one marking this event with "displeasure". After all, while Franzi points out that it was a private action by a private individual, it was still done in a "quasi-public manner" (Frankie may have received them at his home, but I...
  7. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    The bent of Louis-Auguste's education was repressive, but this has to be put in context. Everything concerned with the role of kingship, religion, family relations, in short the world of Versailles where conventions were drained of meaning, was stultifying. But there was a world of the...
  8. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    These tendencies were reinforced by the injunction in 1770 of Louis-Auguste's confessor, the abbé Soldini: 'Never let people read your mind' ('Ne vous laissez jamais pénétrer'), which finds an echo in two despatches from the Austrian ambassador that year: 'His sombre and reserved character have...
  9. Possible Marriage Partners for Philip II of Spain

    given Élisabeth's training, she could even run interference on Carlos' behalf or mediate between the two. After all, this is a girl who preferred to take instruction from her mom in politics than playing outside with her sister and sister-in-law. In short, as one biographer described Isabel...
  10. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    Louis-Auguste's aunt Adélaïde, 'who loved him dearly', knew what was being done to the boy. 'With a view to dissipating his timidity', she told him, 'speak at your ease, Berry; exclaim, bawl out, make a noise like your brother Artois; dash my china to pieces and make yourself talked about.'46...
  11. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    But home and foreign affairs were always linked, and never more closely than in the crucial year, 1770. The chief minister, Choiseul, was pursuing his policy of entente with the parlement, so he could raise sufficient funds for naval rearmament and a war of revanche against England. He saw his...
  12. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    I did actually consider Franzi getting "annoyed" with Samos and saying to him "if you want proof of the duke of Reichstadt's intentions, why not request from the sultan that he send his own sons to his school?"
  13. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    so the possibility does exist for Louis to create a sort of assembly that could handle taxation, but with limits on its powers?
  14. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    Found out something interest about Marmont. He's been in Habsburg "pay" since 1831 (when Metternich assured him of his allowance from the revenues of the Illyrian provinces), and served them loyally* as governor of Venice for a considerable length of that time. And no doubt profitted handsomely...
  15. Frankie Goes to the Hofburg, or Napoléon II, Regent of Austria?

    I'll admit that I originally was considering having him receive the Egyptian princes at Porto San Giorgio (on Papal Territory), but @Nuraghe can help with just imagining how the pope would react to that idea.
  16. Possible Marriage Partners for Philip II of Spain

    Martha Walker-Freer Élisabeth de Valois, Queen of Spain
  17. Possible Marriage Partners for Philip II of Spain

    given that Karl V's ambassador was discussing a marriage between Elizabeth and Felipe II as early as Easter 1536 (less than two months after KoA's death), and the idea was broached again both before (1543 IIRC) and after Felipe's marriage to Maria Manuela, by both Henry VIII and Edward VI...I...
  18. Consequences of No Restoration of the French Parlements?

    So is this a positive toward not recalling the parelements to get the issue resolved sooner. Or would it be better for a more skilful (read a Louis who uses his skill) Louis to keep the parelements cowed?