Optimal borders survey: TIBET (revised)


Gone Fishin'
So let's set the scene.

It's 20XX, and World War III has come to an end. The authoritarian People's Republic of China has been brought down, and the Tibetan people find themselves the leaders of an independent country for the first time in over 75 years. Now then - it is time to determine what territories will be assigned to the new country.

This survey is simple to complete - using the map below:
tibet border survey.png

...colour the territories that you think should be assigned to the new Tibetan state. There is a colour key at the bottom left to help you - the colours denote decreasing priority levels to assign territories to the Tibetan state. The colours are, from top to bottom:

Purple - Tibetan Core: A Tibetan state without these territories does not deserve to call itself "Tibet".
Blue - Major Priority: The Tibetan government should do everything in its power to secure control over these territories - may it be for ethnic, economic or defensive purposes.
Green - Semi-Major Priority: If the Tibetan government secures all of the "major priority" areas, it may attempt to pursue these areas - but it can survive without them.
Yellow - Use Caution: The Tibetan government should not actively pursue these territories, but Lhasa may take them if they are offered.
Red - KEEP OUT!: The detriments of administering these territories outweigh the benefits. KEEP OUT!

You can also use the colours with the boxes above to assign priority to other goals such as membership in international organisations.

  1. Historical Ü-Tsang province
  2. Historical Kham province
  3. Haixi Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai (southern sector)
  4. Yushu Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  5. Haixi Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai (northern sector)
  6. Golog Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  7. Hainan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  8. Haibei Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  9. Huangnan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  10. City of Xining
  11. Haidong Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai
  12. Gannan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu
  13. Ganzi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
  14. Ngawa Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan
  15. Deqen Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan
  16. Arunachal Pradesh (area claimed by the PRC as "South Tibet"
  17. Aranuchal Pradesh (remainder)
  18. Bhutan
  19. Sikkim
  20. Khumbu, Nepal
  21. Dolpo and Mustang, Nepal
  22. Remainder of Nepal
  23. Uttarakhand
  24. Himachal Pradesh
  25. Aksai Chin (area administered by Tibet)
  26. Aksai Chin (area administered by Xinjiang)
  27. Ladakh
  28. Jammu and Kashmir
  29. Siachen Glacier
  30. Pakistani Kashmir
  31. Shaksgam Tract
  32. Xinjiang south of the Kunlun Mountains
  33. Further expansion into northern China and Mongolia
  34. Further expansion into southern China
  35. Further expansion into southeast Asia
  36. Further expansion into India
  37. Further expansion into Pakistan and Afghanistan
  38. Further expansion into Central Asia
I'll begin with my personal answer to the border survey:
tibet border survey my answer.png

Personal notes:
  • If for whatever reason India ceases to exist as a united state, change "South Tibet", Bhutan, Sikkim, Aksai Chin and Ladakh to green.
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If this is just based in opinion of what each user thinks would be best for Tibet and for the world, then the obvious answer is that I would not want the PRC to fall, nor would I want Tibet to return to a feudal theocracy with slavery and brutal corporal punishments thank you very much. Westerners have to stop this fetishisation of balkanising their perceived enemies


tibet border survey.png

My line of thinking: the purple and blue bits are ethnic Tibetan and part of the traditional Tibetan core, with the blue being slightly less core than the purple bits. The green areas are *broadly* culturally Tibetan, and can be brought under Lhasa's rule with sufficient effort. The yellow region is ethno-culturally Tibetan, but contains the headwaters of China's vital rivers, and any attempt to control it will result in the Tibetans being smacked down by the Chinese.
Assuming a peaceful separation from the People's Republic of China and an otherwise stable situation in Tibet's neighborhood, as well as a democratic Tibet...
tibet border survey Nils.png

EDIT: Made Ladakh yellow instead of red.


  • tibet border survey Nils.png
    tibet border survey Nils.png
    44.6 KB · Views: 280
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If this is just based in opinion of what each user thinks would be best for Tibet and for the world, then the obvious answer is that I would not want the PRC to fall, nor would I want Tibet to return to a feudal theocracy with slavery and brutal corporal punishments thank you very much. Westerners have to stop this fetishisation of balkanising their perceived enemies
A restored Tibet is unlikely to be a theocracy, anymore than Scotland is to return to Stewart rule. Or for that matter a western coalition is, to care about any boundaries except as serves its interests
A restored Tibet is unlikely to be a theocracy, anymore than Scotland is to return to Stewart rule. Or for that matter a western coalition is, to care about any boundaries except as serves its interests
In fairness though, the Tibetan government in exile is led by a theocrat.

Crazy Boris

Full restoration of the Tibetan Empire, just because.

If deciding international borders are going to be entrusted to me, I may as well have fun with it and try something weird if given the option

It’s probably not a good idea in 95% of circumstances just for how much of that territory would immediately want out for various reasons but it would be interesting

...If you expected something well thought out you need to find Regular Boris. I’m not the man for that job.

(Sorry if this comes off as rude, qazse, it’s a good thread, I just think it could use some silly to counteract people taking this overly seriously and using it as an excuse to commentate on Tibet in general instead of just doing the map based on the scenario)


Monthly Donor
If this is just based in opinion of what each user thinks would be best for Tibet and for the world, then the obvious answer is that I would not want the PRC to fall, nor would I want Tibet to return to a feudal theocracy with slavery and brutal corporal punishments thank you very much. Westerners have to stop this fetishisation of balkanising their perceived enemies
You mean opposed to a brutal Communist dictatorship that has steadfastly destroyed the local culture, imprisoned or exiled political and religious leadership for decades, and imposed their own brand of brutal punishments and labor camps?

Somehow that also seems sub-optimal.
The Dalai Lama doesn't occupy a formal position in the government, The Executive head of the Central Tibetan Administration is an elected position, It even has a elected Parliament.
A fairly recent development, around 2010 or so I think. Also, Qadhafi was legally not the principal executive of the Libyan state he ruled.
Note: The first map is a first-look map without knowing any underlying knowledge of what Tibet would really want; as such, I'm assuming a liberal China, a democratic Tibet, independent Xinjiang, and a somewhat-status quo for everywhere else.

The following borders are based on their historically-controlled bits.


who I'd imagine the states fall to

the actual map itself


Note 2: This one's after taking a look at the rough distribution of Tibetans within China.
It's weird to me how most of your guys' maps cut out Ngawa (even though it is very comfortably majority Tibetan) and include Haixi (even though it is very comfortably majority Han)