Ah ok but isn't Hungary somewhat independent from Moscow's influence iirc...?
True but some in between like Hungary, Swiss and others would like to remain mroe neutral, Yugoslavia only joins because of the Civil War, same for Greece as both fear Stalin invading to grab the Balkans.
True but some in between like Hungary, Swiss and others would like to remain mroe neutral, Yugoslavia only joins because of the Civil War, same for Greece as both fear Stalin invading to grab the Balkans.
Ah ok, I think we could have a neutrality council for the neutral nations in Scandinavia, Latin America and the Middle East.

*Also shouldn't Italy have a different color since it's not fascist anymore...?
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Ah ok, I think we could have a neutrality council for the neutral nations in Scandinavia, Latin America and the Middle East.

*Also shouldn't Italy have a different color since it's not fascist anymore...?
That will form over time for sure.

True that, should be more greenish I feel, but on the basemap it stays kind of brownish?
Federation of Malaya

While the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was inaugurated, the Constitution of New Jersey took effect, and the railways in Britaina re nationalized to form the British Railways. While Burma official gains independence from the United Kingdom as the Union of Burma, with the first president being Sao Shwe Thaik and Prime Minsiter being U Nu. The Kentucky Air National Guard pilot Thomas Mantell in Kentucky has his airplane crash while being in pursuit of an unidentified flying object. In India, Mahatma Gandhi begins his fast-unto-death in Delhi in the hopes to stop the communal Indian and Hindu violence during the Partition of Raj/ India and South Asia. In Indonesia meanwhile the Nationalist Indonesians formed truce, ending the violence in Indonesia, while also backing of on violence against local ethnic and religious minorities to get the United Nations forces to leave Indonesia. At the same time the British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin proposes to form an overall Western Union Western Union between Britain, France, and the Benelux countries to better oppose the Soviet Union in Western Europe and sign the Treaty of Brussels, that would later influence the founding of NATO. In Tokyo 12 of 16 bank employees of the Tokyo branch of Imperial Bank are poisoned by a masked man in the Teigin poison case, for which the artist Sadamichi Hirasawa is later sentenced to death for as the supposed criminal suspect. Near Coalinga, California the DC-3 aircraft crash at Los Gatos Creek, killing 4 US citizens and 28 deportees, is commemorated in a protest song (Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)) by Woody Guthrie. In Nathuram Godse in New Delhi A Indian Hindu Nationalists kills Indian pacifist and leader Mahatma Gandhi in an assassination, leading to a wave of shock throughout the South Asian Indian Subcontinent and growing opposition to the Nationalist Indian Hindi Government of Hindia/ Hindustan, while at the same time in St Moritz, Switzerland, the 1948 Winter Olympics are opened. Meanwhile at the End of the Month the Malayan Union, Penang and Malacca, all British Crown Colonies form the Federation of Malaya, which does not include the Malayan Nationalist claimed Sarawak, Brunei and North Borneo region were some local interest groups would prefer independence, but also fear Malayan, Indonesian and Philippine territorial ambitions against them.
No majo vote here this week unless someone suggests soemthing, but thinks are finally calming down and looking better in South Asia/ Indian Subcontinent by now, in parts thanks to our UN Force presence in the area, as well as Ghandi's martyr death.
Peace has returned to South East Asia (at least for now knowing the nationalist Indonesians) and the Indian Subcontinent, I could the Nationalists in the Indian subcontinent being hunted down for Ghandi's death and we should keep an eye on Burma in case they becomes a dictatorships.

Is it too early to start the discussion for the decolonisation of Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Ghana?

Or whether France is prepared to actually let its colonies go, instead of Decolonisation Through MOAR FRANCE!
OTL Decolonisation by years says we might be close and TTL the UN actually in cooperation to the Colonial Powers builds up to that, so there might be some being ready a little earlier:
We should work towards immediate uplifting of the people under colonial rule and ensure they are not treated unfairly. Also solutions on preventing ethnic violence as already seen in India and Indonesia.
Accra Riots

In opposition to what they called American and Western Propaganda, the Soviet Union started ti jam the Voice of America. While the nation of Ceylon (the later Sri Lanka) finally becomes an independent nation state, it as well as many formerly British India/ British Raj nation states remain within the British Commonwealth and have the British Monarch remain as their King. The Pakistanis put General Douglas Gracey as their Commander-in-chief of the Pakistan Army to become much more modern and skilled in comparison to the overall rivals and enemies they had in the region. Gerard Kuiper discovers the largest, innermost moon of Uranus, Miranda. In Ireland the Irish head of government of 1918 to 1932 headed by a coalition of Éamon de Valera, leading by John A. Costello being appointed Taoiseach by President Seán T. O'Kelly, a position he would maintain until 1960. In Calcutta the Conference of Youth and Students of Southeast Asia Fighting for Freedom and Independence convenes, aiming to speed up decolonization and autonomous independence for their own ethnic and religious groups in their newly to form nation states. Bill France in the United States creates the first stock car racing organization NASCAR with other drivers. In Jerusalem the Ben Yehuda bombings start, killing around 49 to 58 civilians and injuring around 140 to 200 in total as tensions between radical Arab and Jewish groups and organizations rise up. In Czechoslovakia the coup d'état has the President of Czechoslovakia Edvard Beneš cedes control of his country to the Communist Party, something the new regime will celebrate as the Victorious February for as long as they stay in power. In the Accra capital of the British colony of the Gold Coast, riots take place, as a peaceful protest march is broken up by police, leaving several dead, among them Sergent Adjetey, an ex-servicemen and one of the leaders of the protesters. As a result many local ethnic and religious groups, political parties and movements call for an earlier independence and autonomy from overall British rule in the Gold Coast. At the same time the Communist Party of India convenes in Calcutta for their 2nd Congress.