Spanish Royals in America

After deposing his father, Ferdinand VII of Spain considered fleeing to Mexico , but at the end decided to accept Napoleon's invitation for an interview. Ferdinand VII would be forced to give up his title to Napoleon, but apparently his brother and heir, Carlos María Isidro, who would IOTL become the first Carlist pretender, refused to do so. Unfortunately, he would spend the rest of the war imprisoned like the rest of his family.

But what if Don Carlos had realized Napoleon's summons were shady, and he and his supporters (whoever they might have been), decided to continue on to Mexico?

Does Napoleon still name his brother King of Spain, with a strong Bourbon claimants on the run?

After Napoleon's downfall, assuming it isn't buttterflied, could there be a major succession crisis between Ferdinand VII and Don Carlos, with the colonies supporting the latter?

He became a noted arch-reactionary IOTL, but he is younger here and his ideals might still be forming. Unfortunately I have not been able to find detailed accounts if his youth to determine if that's the case.