
  1. WotanArgead

    Pop Culture WI: Paramount win - Studio System never ended?

    In 1948, during the United States Supreme Court case United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc, the court ruled that block booking was unconstitutional. This decision has forever changed the American film industry. But what if Paramount Pictures could win? Was this victory possible? And if so...
  2. WI No Tate Murders

    Just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood; checker, find this board hasn’t really asked anything like this in a decade. So - what if Sharon Tate, her unborn child, Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, Wojciech Frykowski, and Steve Parent had a (more or less) uneventful evening the night of August 8, 1969...
  3. S. Marlowski

    DBWI: More Empathize of the American Media on the European Theater instead of the Pacific.

    As we all know, there are plenty of films about the Pacific War made by Hollywood, whereas the American impact on the European and North African Fronts are not a very popular subject of Hollywood Films, as well as other media such as documentaries and video games. The question is, what if...
  4. THeaven

    Star Trek prequel in 1991

    In 1989 Star Trek V the final Frontier bombs so bad at the box office that it becomes the final film with the original cast. Because of the success of Star Trek the next generation it is decided by Paramount not to give up on the franchise but to make a prequel set during Kirk's academy days to...
  5. THeaven

    Steven Spielberg directs 007

    After Close encounters of the third kind Spielberg went to Albert Broccoli about making a James Bond film but overpriced himself from the chance which telling his story to George Lucas, George pitched his idea for Raiders of the lost Ark giving us Indiana Jones. But what if the failures of...
  6. markedward

    Sam Westwood's Hollywood
    Threadmarks: Beginnings

    Sam Westwood's Hollywood A Timeline by markedward (Based on my prior timeline It Girls, Boys Next Door, Scream Queens, and Dorothy) From the documentary film Sam Westwood's Hollywood (2016) Disclaimer From the time he made his screen debut in the mid-1960's until 1983, there was an actor who...
  7. The Dead Goering Wore Yellow Garters - A Hollywood Land Adventure
    Threadmarks: Cover

  8. What if Hollywood dies by the late 1970's?

    What would happen if Hollywood dies by the late 1970's? What would entertainment be like if that happened?
  9. WI Kim Basinger died in 1985?

    What would happened if Kim Basinger was killed in a car accident in late 1985? What would Hollywood be like if that happened?
  10. DakotaTimeTraveler

    WI Mr Bug Goes To Town Succeeded?

    On December 5, 1941, Fleischer Studios released through Paramount their second animated film "Mr. Bug Goes To Town". The film was a major box office bomb, receiving little promotion from Paramount and also opening two days before Pearl Harbor and America's entry into WW2. This had some...
  11. The Goering Slaying - A Hollywood Land Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter I

    Chapter I: Saturday, September 23, 1939 started off with a bang for me. As the clock struck midnight, I was in LA, at Ciro's, seated between a pair of out of work actresses and a guy who could blow himself, watching "Big Willy" Goering do a stand-up routine. Big Willy was a true Renaissance...
  12. The Red Menace

    AHC: Barack Obama — Hollywood Celebrity

    I`ve been reading a Vox article titled “Barack Obama was the perfect pop culture president” which described how he the man “boasts the chameleon-like ability to make himself seem like a natural fit for wherever he ends up” and how towards the end of his presidency he seemed “more at home amid...
  13. TLIAPOT: From Hollywood Boulevard to Pennsylvania Avenue

    Hey everyone, this will be a TLIAPOT (Timeline in a period of time) that I'm embarking on based on an idea that came to me randomly whilst browsing around on the internet, its focus being OTL actors entering politics instead and making up the Presidents of the United States from 1941 onwards. I...
  14. Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year: An Alternate Superhero Craze

    Hey everybody! This is my first TL, so tell me what you think, please! Hopefully it doesn't completely suck... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK director picked up by Marvel Studios to direct IRON MAN...
  15. jack_donaghy_is_the_shado

    American God(zilla): Which reboot would you prefer?

    I went though my files and found notes on a pop culture timeline based on an earlier and better American Godzilla. Feeling a little inspired, I thought I'd give a go. Also I remembered, another ill-fated American Godzilla proposal from the eighties, one more family oriented but with...
  16. markedward

    It Girls, Boys Next Door, Scream Queens, & Dorothy: An Alternate Pop Culture Timeline
    Threadmarks: Intro

    A&E BIOGRAPHY, EPISODE "SHARON TATE" (1998) “Sharon Tate started out as a 1960’s “It Girl” in Eye Of The Devil. Despite a few bumps along the way, she became one of the brightest stars of her era…” FROM THE DOCUMENTARY FILM SAM WESTWOOD'S HOLLYWOOD (2016) DISCLAIMER: Between 1965 to 1983...