
RMS/HMT Titanic with dazzle camouflage during the First World War and her service as a troopship alongside her sister Olympic, c. 1915
Images from your typical ISOT scenario but it’s three 2023 Western US states in 1970:


President Richard Milhous Nixon being told over the phone what happened to the states of California, Washington, and New Mexico on July 5, 1970.
“Listen, I don’t understand why this has all happened but these fucking Peacenik Uptimers from 2023 need to get it through their heads that like it or not, I’m their goddamn president! Hell half the things they’re whining about wouldn’t even exist were it not for me! The Environmental Protection Agency? That was me!”
— A Private Conversation Pres. Nixon had in late 1970.​


People in California protesting among other things, recent Israeli retaliation against the PLO for the Avivim School Bus Attack, the Vietnam War, environmental concerns, and indeed Nixon’s existence as POTUS with them chanting slogans such as “Hell no! Nixon’s Got to Go!” and “No More War!”​
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Jim Adler, personal injury lawyer and Texas celebrity, announcing his bid for Governor under the Democratic party. Due to his celebrity status in Texas, Adler would end up dominating the Democratic primaries and would eventually win the 2006 Texas gubernatorial race against incumbent Rick Perry.
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This project will be going backwards in time:


29 May 2024
Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II sacks Constantinople.

2020 - 2024
Reign of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI.

The Ottoman Empire grants Mount Athos and its monasteries independence in exchange for annual tribute.

a photo in 1954 of a mysterious aquatic dinosaur like creature with large dorsal fins swimming in the ocean taken by an unknown individual in the Pacific following the aftermath of Castle Bravo, where in which the US Government during that event tried to attempt to kill the creature in the Bikini Atoll with a hydrogen bomb but as a result, it backfired as the bomb didn't the monster but rather made it stronger as shortly in a few days the Eiko Maru en-route to Japan was struck by a flashing blue light where the majority of people aboard died there as only a few survivors washed up on Odo Island via raft.
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General Secretary and Premier of the Soviet Union Georgy Malenkov, and Secretary of Foreign Affairs Lavrentiy Beria, observing the Victory Day parade on May 9, 1951 - the first Victory Day parade since Stalin's death in 1950 following a plane crash.

Imagine what it would look like if Gaines had bought out All-American Publications from Donnenfeld in 1945 and continued publication, rather than absorbing into DC.
View attachment 903258
Imagine what it would look like if Gaines had bought out All-American Publications from Donnenfeld in 1945 and continued publication, rather than absorbing into DC.