The Anglo/American - Nazi War

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Ahh, that was the second time in history that Magdenburg was raised. Good lord, that's an unlucky city. But why the conventional bombs? Why not nuclear weapons?
The more I read this the more I think that Halseys quote after Pearl Harbor is going to come true for the Germans. Excellent chapter!

The more I read the more I find all that pure ASB... but wasn't OTL WWII itself ASB, after all? No one would believe it, if there wasn't a common painful knowledge it's all true.
My first comment after reading this update can't be printed here as it is a family board (well at least I hope so). I would suspect after the war, a strong rise in pacifism. Of course, who would want to go to war with the Anglo-American allies after seeing what happened to Germany.
It's hard to see a real 'feminist' movement happening with any great force TTL. Women have cemented their place in the workplace, and unlike OTL they aren't going to be giving up their much longer careers to go be pure homemakers as they did in huge numbers during the 50's. Pay equality is probably a lot closer than OTL as well.

A lot of the huge liberal/radical movements of the 60's are either smoothed out, like race relations and probably gender equality (not saying those are perfectly smooth at all, but that the gross inequality is gone or 'being taken care of') or not an issue, since their 'Soviet counterpart' here are the Nazis, an ideology that never attempted to co-opt peace movements or could generate any sympathy as Communism could. When the Allies do soul searching TTL and ask themselves "Did we do the right thing?", the only answer is a shouting 'YES!' (with of course the regret being in the details i.e., use of nukes/anthrax/shoot on sight and etc.)

That's the 'benefit' of having a black and white conflict, no true regrets.

I'm way way way behind on the time line (so far behind that Europe has cites that you could live in.) But I couldn’t help skipping to the end (I’m goner read the whole thing) and this idea has really got my interest, what if the war stops 60's style radicalism? Gender equality is getting there, race equality is slower but still a lot better, sexual Revolution (your husband/boyfriend was been gone for ten years on and off), after this war government’s might be just as pro peace as OTL anti Vietnam protesters (yes a big maybe). Most of 60's/70's liberalism is kinder there in a different from. Will TTL never see a giant leap in social attitudes post war meaning a more equal but more conservative society (conservative with a small C that is) later on?

Its difficult to find words for what I'm feeling now, mainly it's sadness about how 25 years of Nazi indoctrination has come to this.

The question I keep asking myself was if I had been one of those B-52 pilots ITTL would I have carried out those orders? Personally I would have because this enemy needs to be utterly destroyed. What do other readers think?

Finally, another brilliant chapter Cal, I am going to miss this TL when it's finally done! ;)

Nothing else to say really. The Nazis are crazy. The Allies didn't have any choices. They destroyed the Reich.

Oh God, that sounds like something out of book for 1st graders. Sounds like a really watered down version of crazy, but it fits the bill for teaching kids the reason why Germany exists east of the Rhine.
It seems like the Allies are now content to just bomb until all resistance is gone. But I've really been wondering why the equivalent of this scene hasn't happened yet?
How do you say Rolling Thunder in German? Madgeburg

I can see some epic tales of survivors who take the leaflets seriously enough, there will be at least some families trekking by foot from General Government areas trying to find their way to 'friendly' lines.
It did, right before he stroked out.
Well, I meant for the guys who now call themselves the Führers.
Also it should be Magdeburg (no ''n'') and ''rolling thunder'' would best be termed ''anrollender Donner'', but I'm not sure since I don't speak German nativly.
How do you say Rolling Thunder in German? Madgeburg

I can see some epic tales of survivors who take the leaflets seriously enough, there will be at least some families trekking by foot from General Government areas trying to find their way to 'friendly' lines.

And there will be tragic scenes when the pathetic, desperate stream of refugees comes up against WAllied roadblocks manned by soldiers who don't want to die this close to the end.

It'd be nice if Propanolol were to be discovered soon because it's a treatment for PTSD and is said to blunt debilitating emotional reactions to traumatic memories.


Gripping, and sobering, update. The Third Reich is long past the point where it stopped looking like a country--even a totalitarian one--and started looking like a giant version of an embattled cult compound, something like a huge Masada.
It's a sign of the strength of this timeline that I'm avidly looking forward to each update, despite the fact each leaves me feeling shocked and chilled to the pit of my stomach.

The Allies have gone so far that carpet bombing a quarter of a million people to death is a viable option :eek:. Not troops, but civilians
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