Which country would be wealthier in 2010 &2011? And to what extent?


If, following ww2, italy was split between North & South, and East & west Germany never re-united after the cold war. And the European coal & steel community (and all of it's successors) never existed, which would be wealthier? North Italy or West Germany.
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What's the political ideology, foreign policy, and leadership for these atl countries like?

I would say Northern Italy starts off better but Western Germany has more long term potential but that's more a gut feeling than anything else.
If, following ww1,

You mean WW2, right?

italy was split between North & South,

What would be point? Soviets hadn't there any influence and hardly even Stalin wanted that anyway. Perhaps Italy could be divided after referendum where monarchists manage to win and Northerners establish the republic. This is only way how I could see division happening and hardly even that is particularly likely.

and East & west Germany never re-united after the cold war.

Re-unification of Germany was inevitable. East Germany was effectively walking corpse at end of Cold War. Young and educated people begun flee to the west immediately when it was possible and DDR was economically ruinhouse. It just hadn't chances to survive much longer. Only way would be either continuing Cold War or military intervention of USA, Britain and France and enforcing people to stay in East Germany. And latter would be really messy thing and West Germany hardly would be happy.

And the European coal & steel community (and all of it's successors) never existed,

Why there wouldn't be Coal & Steel Community? After devastation of two wars only in 30 years there just was too much will to avoid such thing happening again.

which would be wealthier? North Italy or West Germany.

Hard to say. It should exactly know what kind of state North Italy is. But even then probably West Germany is wealthier. But more details should be known.
If, following ww1, italy was split between North & South, and East & west Germany never re-united after the cold war. And the European coal & steel community (and all of it's successors) never existed, which would be wealthier? North Italy or West Germany.
West Germany probably, IOTL what happened in Italy was literally an economic miracle and depending on how what caused Italy to split this might not happen ITTL while West Germany probably has the same fate.
What would be point? Soviets hadn't there any influence and hardly even Stalin wanted that anyway. Perhaps Italy could be divided after referendum where monarchists manage to win and Northerners establish the republic. This is only way how I could see division happening and hardly even that is particularly likely.
A divided Italy based on Republican vs Monarchist rather than Capitalist vs Communist lines would be an interesting TL.