WIP Map Thread

Oh. I don't know enough about that story to know more than that war being like a super-lomg WW1?
Pretty much. In all honesty, I'm not a YORAS fan. I was initially intrigued but the more time I've spent with it, the more I've started to feel that it's almost a conservative's idea of what a liberal's wish-fulfillment version of history would be. That might be uncharitable, but while the book is praised to the skies for its small-scale worldbuilding, I think it's philosophical conceits are contradictory and tiring; and its large scale world-building (most egregious use of space-filling empires in a major work I've seen this side of Man in the High Castle) leaves a lot to be desired.
Pretty much. In all honesty, I'm not a YORAS fan. I was initially intrigued but the more time I've spent with it, the more I've started to feel that it's almost a conservative's idea of what a liberal's wish-fulfillment version of history would be. That might be uncharitable, but while the book is praised to the skies for its small-scale worldbuilding, I think it's philosophical conceits are contradictory and tiring; and its large scale world-building (most egregious use of space-filling empires in a major work I've seen this side of Man in the High Castle) leaves a lot to be desired.
Indeed. It is kinda odd that I feel like I know exactly what you mean for some reason 0.o
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Abrahamic Religious countries are essentially done.

What are left to add to the legend are the Turkic World (Reformed Tengrism is the main religion but Russian Orthodox, Constantinople Islam and Sunni Islam is also common), Sinosphere (China, Japan, Korea, Pacific coast of North America), Hindu or Buddhist states in India and Southeast Asia (also Bali) and finally the Incas.
But there clearly is a Japan?

Is that big green state Turkic or Mongol?

Also that's a thicc China reaching all the way to the Caspian.
London is a French exclave in England?
Big Lithuania and/or Kievan Rus is also very cool.
It is not our Japan.
Green state is originaly mongolic, but more turkic nowadays.

West London is still occupied by France after last war.
It is big Lithuania indeed, but today East Slavs are dominant group.
Considering filling the top right with the 3rd Turkish Empire (serving as TTLs Mongol Empire) at it's height (or its initial direct successor states) or perhaps the Zanzibari Empire at it's height. Both of those might be able to fit in that space as well.
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